
12 Nisan 2015 Pazar

Question Number.      1.         A fuel crossfeed valve is usually in.             
Option A.       the closed position.   
Option B.        the open position.      
Option C.        its last position.         
Correct Answer is.     the closed position.   
Explanation.   Fuel crossfeed valves must be closed for flight.

Question Number.      2.         Sliding couplings in fuel systems are used on.                    
Option A.       low pressure systems.
Option B.        high pressure systems.           
Option C.        air or vapour systems.
Correct Answer is.     air or vapour systems.
Explanation.   CAIPs AL/3-17 5.8.3.

Question Number.      3.         A fuel cross-feed valve is lubricated.                       
Option A.       by internal cooling.    
Option B.        by air. 
Option C.        by the fuel.    
Correct Answer is.     by the fuel.    
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      4.         Fuel cross feed valves are operated by the.             
Option A.       28 V DC bus.
Option B.        115 V AC.     
Option C.        battery.          
Correct Answer is.     28 V DC bus.
Explanation.   737 MM 28-22-00 Page 1, A320 FCOM 28.30 pg1.

Question Number.      5.         Fuel systems that are interconnected must have.                 
Option A.       separate venting for each tank.         
Option B.        no airspace.    
Option C.        air spaces interconnected.     
Correct Answer is.     air spaces interconnected.     
Explanation.   CAIPs AL/3-17.

Question Number.      6.         As fuel level increases, system capacitance.            
Option A.       decreases.      
Option B.        no change.     
Option C.        increases.       
Correct Answer is.     increases.       
Explanation.   The dielectric constant of kerosene is more than that of air. B757 MM Chapter 28-41-00.

Question Number.      7.         When refuelling.                   
Option A.       the fuel nozzle will automatically cut off the supply when the tank is full.
Option B.        it is important not to fill the expansion space in the tank.   
Option C.        it is important to fill the expansion space in the tank.         
Correct Answer is.     it is important not to fill the expansion space in the tank.   
Explanation.   Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 15-18.

Question Number.      8.         When using Biopor microbial fuel growth treatment.                     
Option A.       it is added to the fuel and burnt.      
Option B.        it is applied dry and left.       
Option C.        it is applied wet and flushed out.     
Correct Answer is.     it is added to the fuel and burnt.      
Explanation.   Jeppesen Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplants 7-3.

Question Number.      9.         Microbial growth is.              
Option A.       red dots.        
Option B.        brown black slime.    
Option C.        green sludge. 
Correct Answer is.     brown black slime.    
Explanation.   Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 15-38.

Question Number.      10.       Bladder type fuel tanks are secured by.                   
Option A.       bolts.  
Option B.        contact adhesive.       
Option C.        press type rivets.        
Correct Answer is.     press type rivets.        
Explanation.   AL/3-15 4.1.3 says press studs or cords.

Question Number.      11.       A zero fuel test on a fuel quantity indicating system is carried out with.              
Option A.       tanks completely full.
Option B.        tanks completely empty.       
Option C.        tanks empty apart from unusable fuel.         
Correct Answer is.     tanks empty apart from unusable fuel.         
Explanation.   AL/10-3 11.14.1.e.

Question Number.      12.       After a tank bag has been replaced, a fuel flow test should be carried out at.                   
Option A.       tank outlet.    
Option B.        engine inlet.   
Option C.        tank shut-off valve point.     
Correct Answer is.     engine inlet.   
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      13.       In biologically contaminated fuel, corrosion takes place.                
Option A.       below the fungal colonies.    
Option B.        the top of the tank.    
Option C.        the bottom 2 inches of the tank.       
Correct Answer is.     below the fungal colonies.    
Explanation.   AL/3-15 para 8.3.

Question Number.      14.       If an aircraft has ability to transfer fuel in flight, provision must be made to.                   
Option A.       shut off fuel before structural damage.        
Option B.        provide overflow facility to dump fuel.       
Option C.        stop engine from using tank during transfer.
Correct Answer is.     shut off fuel before structural damage.        
Explanation.   JAR 25.957.

Question Number.      15.       In a fuel system with interconnected vents.            
Option A.       an expansion space is not required.  
Option B.        the expansion space must be 2% of the tank capacity.        
Option C.        the expansion space must be 10% of the tank capacity.      
Correct Answer is.     the expansion space must be 2% of the tank capacity.        
Explanation.   JAR 25.969.

Question Number.      16.       Fuel tanks interconnected must have.                      
Option A.       vents to allow overfueling.   
Option B.        protection against overfill for tanks and fuel system.          
Option C.        tank where fuel is fed from both tanks to engine inlet.       
Correct Answer is.     protection against overfill for tanks and fuel system.          
Explanation.   JAR 25.969.

Question Number.      17.       When a FADEC system loses air data input it goes to.                  
Option A.       soft reversion.
Option B.        hard reversion.           
Option C.        mechanical reversion.
Correct Answer is.     soft reversion.
Explanation.   TTS FADEC Booklet Page 13.

Question Number.      18.       Pressure refuelling is carried out at.             
Option A.       20 PSI.           
Option B.        40 PSI.           
Option C.        15 PSI.           
Correct Answer is.     40 PSI.           
Explanation.   AL/3-17 5.4 says 'up to 50 psi'.

Question Number.      19.       Cross feed valves permit fuel transfer from.            
Option A.       tank to tank.  
Option B.        left tank to right tank.           
Option C.        any tank to any engine.         
Correct Answer is.     any tank to any engine.         
Explanation.   B737 MM 28-22-00 Page 1.

Question Number.      20.       What is fitted to the fuel jettison pipe to prevent vaporisation?.                
Option A.       An anti-corona device.          
Option B.        A corona device.       
Option C.        A nozzle.       
Correct Answer is.     An anti-corona device.          
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      21.       What happens to the capacitance in a fuel contents gauge as fuel is used?.                       
Option A.       Depends on altitude. 
Option B.        Increases.       
Option C.        Decreases.      
Correct Answer is.     Decreases.      
Explanation.   Aircraft Electricity and Electronics Eismin Page 353.

Question Number.      22.       When an aircraft is put into storage for medium / long periods, the fuel tanks should.                       
Option A.       have some fuel left in to prevent sealant from deteriorating/drying out.    
Option B.        be full.
Option C.        be empty.       
Correct Answer is.     have some fuel left in to prevent sealant from deteriorating/drying out.    
Explanation.   AL/3-15 9.3.

Question Number.      23.       Integral fuel booster pumps.             
Option A.       require ram air cooling.         
Option B.        lets the fuel do cooling.        
Option C.        require no cooling.     
Correct Answer is.     lets the fuel do cooling.        
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      24.       The purpose of a scavenge system within a fuel system is.             
Option A.       to ensure that all unused fuel is returned to the tanks efficiently.  
Option B.        to ensure that all available fuel can be used.
Option C.        to ensure that any water in the fuel is constantly dispersed thus reducing microbiological contamination.           
Correct Answer is.     to ensure that any water in the fuel is constantly dispersed thus reducing microbiological contamination.           
Explanation.   Transport Category Aircraft Systems Page 6.17.

Question Number.      25.       In a light fixed wing aircraft, the fuel warning light indicates.                  
Option A.       pump failure. 
Option B.        the tank does not pressurise. 
Option C.        ice blockage, filter popped or pump fail.      
Correct Answer is.     ice blockage, filter popped or pump fail.      
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      26.       How is fuel supplied to a turbine engine?.               
Option A.       By a fuel boost pump.           
Option B.        By suction from the engine driven fuel pump.        
Option C.        By a gravity feed pump.       
Correct Answer is.     By a fuel boost pump.           
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      27.       A fuel tank suction valve will open when.               
Option A.       the booster pump fails.          
Option B.        both the engine driven and booster pump fail.        
Option C.        the engine driven pump fails.
Correct Answer is.     the booster pump fails.          
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      28.       To prevent water condensation in a fuel tank.                     
Option A.       the tank should be filled as full as possible. 
Option B.        the tank should be filled with the minimum fuel possible.  
Option C.        the filler cap should be left open.     
Correct Answer is.     the tank should be filled as full as possible. 
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      29.       To protect the centre tank fuselage area from a vapour build up.               
Option A.       ram air is circulated around the tank.
Option B.        a shroud vent and overboard drain is fitted.
Option C.        cabin air is bled around the tank.      
Correct Answer is.     cabin air is bled around the tank.      
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      30.       When a fuel jettison valve is in transit, the magnetic indicator would show.                     
Option A.       amber and in line.      
Option B.        amber and cross line. 
Option C.        green and in line.       
Correct Answer is.     amber and cross line. 
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      31.       When considering the basic categories of fuel tank construction, which of the following is most prone to leaks?.                
Option A.       Rigid. 
Option B.        Integral.         
Option C.        Flexible.         
Correct Answer is.     Integral.         
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      32.       On removal of a fuel tank booster pump, fuel is observed running out of the boost pump canister, this could be caused by.                     
Option A.       the pressure outlet check valve is not correctly seated.       
Option B.        fuel draining out of the pressure switch bleed.        
Option C.        fuel leaking past the inlet screens.    
Correct Answer is.     the pressure outlet check valve is not correctly seated.       
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      33.       Crossfeed valves are normally fitted with.              
Option A.       two 28V DC motors.
Option B.        two three-phase AC motors. 
Option C.        two single phase AC motors.
Correct Answer is.     two 28V DC motors.
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      34.       A shroud vent and overload drain would normally be found on.               
Option A.       fuel tank vent pipes.  
Option B.        fuel jettison system.  
Option C.        the APU fuel feed.    
Correct Answer is.     fuel tank vent pipes.  
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      35.       To shut-off the LP fuel supply to the engine for the purpose of engine removal you would.                
Option A.       close the cross bleed valve.   
Option B.        close the HP fuel lock.          
Option C.        pull the fire handle.   
Correct Answer is.     pull the fire handle.   
Explanation.   After first pulling teh firebottle CBs.

Question Number.      36.       A leak from a fuel tank which manifests as fuel dripping from the tank is classified as a.           
Option A.       stain.  
Option B.        seep.   
Option C.        run.     
Correct Answer is.     run.     
Explanation.   AL/3-15 page 8 para 5.4.1.

Question Number.      37.       Calcium Chromate tablets can be fitted in integral tanks. Before installation the linen bag should be wetted with.                 
Option A.       Water.
Option B.        Methylated Spirit.     
Option C.        Kerosene.       
Correct Answer is.     Water.
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      38.       A check valve is fitted to a fuel jettison system to.             
Option A.       prevent the centre from being defuelled.     
Option B.        prevent the dumping of the outer tanks.      
Option C.        automatically stop the fuel jettison operation after a period of time.         
Correct Answer is.     prevent the dumping of the outer tanks.      
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      39.       The advantages of integral fuel tanks are that they.            
Option A.       are cheaper to manufacture, more durable and  easier to maintain. 
Option B.        use the maximum volume for fuel and have the minimum amount of weight.       
Option C.        are easier to design and construct and use the maximum volume of fuel.  
Correct Answer is.     use the maximum volume for fuel and have the minimum amount of weight.       
Explanation.   NIL.

Question Number.      40.       On Large transport aircraft fuel is delivered to each engine using.            
Option A.       a parallel system.       
Option B.        the same system for each engine.     
Option C.        a separate system for each engine.    
Correct Answer is.     the same system for each engine.     
Explanation.   "This question can be interpreted an many ways, and all three answers arguably correct.

    However, based upon the fact that the fuel system can feed any engine from any tank,  we have interpreted it as 'every engine is fed from the same system'."

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